Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week of Instagram

Can you believe how fast February came and went??? In some ways I am super excited for spring to arrive but a little concerned at how fast time seems to slip away. 
These past two weeks where filled with chicken classes (I'll explain in a later post), rain, snow, tiny coffee drinks, treats galore, new shop products and flowers to fill the house with! March is going to be a very very crazy month but I am excited for change and cant wait to instagram every moment (feeding my addiction)! Goodbye February

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Recipe: Salsa

Juice from 1 lime
1/3 bunch cilantro, chopped
1 med onion, chopped small (more to your taste)
2-4 jalapeños, chopped
3-4 bell peppers, chopped – all different colors look prettiest
12 assorted tomatoes, chopped small – or however many you have
2-3 cloves fresh garlic, chopped small
About 1/2 t. sea salt, add more to your taste

More ingredients to try (I love them all):  fresh chopped parsley, grilled corn on the cob, black beans

This salsa was so delicious we ended up eating it all in an embarrassing short amount of time! The mixture was light and fresh, and would make a great topping to a grilled piece of chicken as well. New idea.....homemade chips to compliment the delicious salsa. Yum!

Monday, February 25, 2013


We love accessories! It is the best way to make a statement without breaking the bank. Above are the newest additions to our jewelry collection and we cant decide which is our favorite? We love them all! You can see all new arrivals here.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Contest!!!!!

You could win this blouse + a surprise goodie by following these simple rules: 

1. You must be follower of  us on Facebook or Twitter or Both. 

2. Pick a name for this pretty blouse! You can post it on our Facebook page, Tweet it to us, leave a comment here or email us at       

The winner will be chosen and named by 03/04/13! Spread the word.....Oh, and Good Luck!

Friday, February 22, 2013

It's Friday!

It is Friday (yay) and we have been cleaning out some old pictures. We were so excited to come across this beauty from A lovely shoot for last years sweet knits collection. 
So friends, let's keep the love rollin! Please check us out on FacebookTwitterPinterestBloglovin and/or Instagram for 11 Eureka. If you have "friended" us on any of the listed we thank you:) 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bubbly Time

New Years is over and there are no real major holidays around the corner but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't enjoy a glass of bubbly for no reason whats so ever. Right? 

This cocktail is down to the very basics. Fruit on skewers, placed in the freezer for 2+hours, pour champagne, enjoy! 
Last Tuesday was a day filled with DIY's, pictures, laughs, and drinking the bubbly. Oh how I love those days!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Music Video Tuesday

Take away the glitz and glamour, the lights, and all the posh that bands carry these days and you are left with the Alabama Shakes. I say that with honor and love. This band is a breath of fresh air in the music industry and the lead singer, Brittany Howard is a power house! 
I have been a fan of this band for a while, but getting to see her live on the 2013 Grammys was a favorite moment of mine. True talent. Please enjoy

Candy Jar Makeover

I love, love, love waking up to the fresh aroma of ground coffee beans, and since TJ needs to wake up before I do, he is the first to get- a- brewing! We love the idea of a gourmet coffee station, but we have no room and it is a bit unpractical for us, so we adjusted a bit. I found these vintage candy jars at a local thrift shop and gave them a fresh new face lift! 
This re-do is one of my favorites since there are two benefits to these jars. The first being a mini coffee station (obvious), the second being that we have a great smelling kitchen! Every time you walk through the doors, its like we are stepping into a coffee house! Sniff, Sniff

P.S. The knobs are an Anthropologie find! Love them:)

Friday, February 15, 2013


Do you need ribbons, buttons, rhinestones, trims, flowers, or feathers? If you do, this shop has it all! I was asked to tag along and was told that if I need any embellishment of any kind that I would find it here. It is true! It is an fine embellishment hub galore. 
Yes, you can go to any craft store and pick up some buttons or a few yards of ribbon but for that extra special find, Soutache is your place.
I unfortunately didn't need anything in particular but had a great time looking at all the detail the store offered and am looking forward to stopping back from time to time to see the new arrivals!
You can visit them here or here: 2125 N. Damen Ave. Chicago, IL 60647

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Our little lady was caught getting ready for a date! Hee Hee   
Love is in the air everywhere and we just cant get enough of it:) Tonight I am looking forward to some one on one time with my guy. Cooking and stuffing our faces with some delicious cupcakes! Yum

We wish you a beautiful Valentines Day. 
                                            xoxo, Renee' & Gretta

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Red Valentino Fall 3012

Here is some amazing fashion to inspire you........The colors, patterns, and cut are my eye candy and these pieces are so sweet that a dentist is in need. Oh, and what about that amazing backdrop? As Giuliana Rancic would say.....This collection is Amaze-balls!
I can't tell if I am digging the velvet pantsuit or Blue poncho more but I wouldn't be upset if I was gifted either one:) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Post It for Me!

Breakups are always hard around Valentines day, but in this case, it was much deserved!

Music Video Tuesday

My new obsession! I have been listening to the entire album for days and have not grown tired of the soft yet strong tunes! 
My newest addition to my itunes library:) Please enjoy

Monday, February 11, 2013

Recipe: Olive Loaf

I have ALWAYS wanted to make bread and then break bread with my family and friends but was a bit too intimidated by the process. It was a good weekend and I must of felt spontaneous because the idea to make this loaf was last minute.
I assumed that making your own bread was a 2-3 hour process and was completely shocked that this 1 loaf took me 7-8 hours to create, but honestly it was worth it. 
I can't wait next time to tackle a sourdough loaf!
What you will need:
2 1/2 cups unbleached hard white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
1 TBS sugar 
1 1/4 cup water at 95-100°F
3 TBS olive oil + extra for greasing and brushing
2 tsp fine sea salt
1/2 cup olives, coarsely chopped

All of the Steps (Note: Making bread is a MANY hours process, so set aside a good amount of free 
time to make this loaf)
1.Proof the yeast with the water and sugar, cover with cling film and set aside for 10 minutes until active.
2.Whisk together the two flours, add the yeast mixture and mix together with a wooden spoon. 
Mix in the salt and olives. Turn out the dough onto a well floured surface and knead until it is smooth 
and elastic (about 10 minutes). Place on a well oiled bowl, cover in cling film and let rest until it doubles 
in size (about 45 minutes).
3.Punch down the dough and knead well again (about 8 minutes). Place back into bowl (might want to 
oil it before once again), and let rise until doubled in size (about 30 minutes).
4.Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and round. Place it upside down in a bowl lined 
with a well-floured linen (or kitchen towel). Let rise until doubled in size.
5.Meanwhile, place a pan of water in the bottom of the oven (to create a good crust). Preheat the oven 
to 220°C (430°F).
6.Turn out loaf (with extreme care!) onto baking stone or sheet, brush with olive oil and bake for 
15 minutes at 230°C (450°F). Reduce temperature to 375°F and bake for 30 minutes more.
7.Allow to cool completely on a rack.
makes 1 loaf
Some tips I learned.......When you take the bread out of the oven, do place it on a wire wrack. I placed the load on the flat stone surface and the sweat from the heat caused the bottom of the bread to get a bit soggy. Be prepared for the best smell to take over the kitchen! Wait till the bread cools down to slice your first piece. Be prepared to never want to purchase store bought bread again!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Travel Lust: Maldives

About the same time each year I give up the fight against the wicked cold and let it set into my bones and each night I hug my water bottle and dream of the hot summer rays hitting my shoulders. 
Since we are months from the beautiful summer weather I need to "fake" plan my escape. Today I choose the Maldives. Diving into crystal clear water, sipping sweet drinks from a coconut, boat rides, and feet dangling off the dock is what I need right now! A girl can dream, cant she? How are you dealing with the cold?